Sun Microsystems
Although a lot of off-the-shelf solutions exist for call centre applications, they rarely meet customer expectations. Moreover, customer knowledge typically evolves with project progress thus demanding greater flexibility of the entire architecture. An overall architecture built from off-the-shelf components only present itself as leaky one. In order to fill the gaps, our team jumps in and provides the proper "glue" between the components.

These new products are best served by the Sun product range, as the platform offers maximum performance and realiability for server based real time applications. As a consequence we joined the Sun iForce Partner program and aquired the status of a "Commercial Developer". Although Sun's mission has changed and partner programs have been interrupted in course of the Oracle merger, we will continue our services and support as hitherto.

In the past, we have furnished several software packages based on Sun platforms for our customers. Major developments included:

  • diagnostic tools for telephony (e.g. class based decoding of the ASAI CTI protocol used in Avaya Communication Servers)
  • a multiclient application oriented pseudo-real-time middleware solution (for access to MIS real-time reporting data)
  • a real-time client/server statistic routing engine for the Nortel Periphonics Voice Processing System (VPS)

The operating systems for these products were typically ranging from Sun Solaris 2.6 to Solaris 9 for both Intel and Sparc edition. Although Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 prove to serve as the major operating system platform, we keep an eye on Solaris 10 as well. Up to now we made use of the following program languages and tools:

  • Assembler / Machine Language for system and hardware level routines
  • C for system and hardware level routines
  • Java for application framework and graphical user interface

Our philosophy placing high emphasis on modular design and reusability also relies on a stable operating system platform. The choice of Sun Solaris always placed our customers on the safe side. For information related to development please consult the services section. In any case we invite you to contact us directly.

@2010 .Telecomm